Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 3...whew! made it past day 2!!

Woke up this morning feeling neither hungry nor tired! WOW! Day THREE is going to be a great day. I gotta tell ya, it about killed me not to weigh this morning. I had moved the scale into the closet last night, but c’mon, the closet? I can so totally just pop in there in 2 secs to get it out. I didn’t. I didn’t weigh today!!

Even though I wasn’t starving, I went ahead and had a Cinch shake. This time I added a banana. Don’t know if that is “allowable” by Cinch standards, but it is going to be a long day. I need the extra umph to make it through today. I don’t know what it is, but the shakes by themselves do not satisfy me for long. Can’t wait until my stomach shrinks.

So excited!! Olivia & I are getting trained at the Y tonight! YEAH!! Wow! What an exciting way to spend a Friday night, eh? Well, since summer vacation started, it is hard for me to tell one day from the next. So, yes! What an exciting night for us. Tuesday, I thought I would train Olivia myself. That worked out well, for a little bit, and then we got to the pull down machine. That used to be my favorite. By the time we finished, I knew I had to ask Justin for help! sigh Will try to squeeze in an outdoor 5K before we go!

Since we are doing training tonight, we will have our sensible meal this afternoon. Crazy day, got to make time for it. Funny, how before I started this “meal plan”, the kids would ask me what was for dinner. I would mentally go through a “planned menu” that we never stuck to, and then mentally go through the refrigerator and cabinets, and still usually say, “Let’s have pizza.”

Now, I plan out every single real meal I get each day and I look forward to it as if it were a relative from Brazil that I have not seen in years. Yes! We are going to have coconut curry rice tonight! I rearrange everything in my kitchen to accommodate that one meal.

Well, today looks promising and I am looking forward, really forward, to weighing myself next Friday! Yipes! Never thought I would say THAT!!!

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